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Environmental Services


Q: Where can I recycle? What materials can I recycle?

A: There are many recycling centers throughout San Diego that allow you to drop off a variety of recyclable materials. Read about recycling to learn how, what and where residents, businesses and the military can recycle.

Q: Why won't recyclers take certain plastics?

A: There is not a market for every plastic in the San Diego area. The regional economy dictates what types of plastics we can collect.

Q: What should I do with my old household appliances?

A: There are a number of reputable companies in San Diego that will recycle your appliances for free or a nominal fee. Some companies offer a pickup service, and others offer drop-off sites around the County. Companies tend to accept different appliances, although the most common include refrigerators, freezers, ranges, ovens, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, microwave ovens, room air conditioners, trash compactors and water heaters. Please visit to find a service near you.

Reusing Your Appliances:

If an appliance still works or just needs minor repair, consider donating it to a local charity or thrift store. Reusing appliances helps benefit those who cannot afford new appliances. If you need assistance finding a charity or thrift store, call Environmental Services at (858) 694-7000.

Other Tips:

  • Ask the store to remove your old appliance when delivering the new one. Also, buy a new appliance that is energy efficient and designed for recycling.
  • Don't be an illegal dumper! This may seem like an easy solution to getting rid of your appliance, but it is illegal to do so.