San Diego Fire-Rescue Wildfire Preparedness

Ready, Set, Go!
This Personal Wildland Fire Action Guide provides tips and tools you need to prepare for wildland fire threats, gain situational awareness when a fire starts, and act early as directed by local officials.
Your San Diego Fire-Rescue Department encourages everyone to become familiar with the Personal Wildland Fire Action Guide. It provides essential information about defensible space, fire-resistant vegetation and home hardening materials. This guide also includes a checklist of emergency supplies needed as part of your personal wildland fire action plan.
Guidance for Homeowners
San Diego Fire-Rescue Services
The San Diego Fire-Rescue Wildland Management and Enforcement section comprises of four programs: The Weed Abatement and Brush Complaint Program, Real Estate Defensible Space Inspection Program, Proactive Door to Door Brush Management Program, and the Annual Weed Abatement Vacant Lot Program.
NEW Home Risk Assessment
Beginning July 1, 2025, SDFD will offer a Home Risk Assessment, an educational Defensible Space Inspection that provides homeowners valuable insight about the defensible space and the 0 - 5ft ember resistance zone. The goal of this personalized service is to educate homeowners about the purpose of defensible space while making your home defensible and ember resistant against wildfires. With this approach, we aim to make more homes defensible and insurable.
California Assembly Bill 3074 (AB 3074)
What is Assembly Bill 3074 (AB 3074)?
AB 3074 (Fire prevention: wildfire risk: defensible space: ember-resistant zones) introduced “Zone Zero” as a five-foot ember resistant zone. When officially adopted by the State Fire Marshal, this law will require a five-foot ember resistant zone around structures located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) which includes a significant portion of the City of San Diego.
When does AB 3074 take effect?
AB 3074 became law on January 1, 2021; however, it has not yet been enforced. Enforcement will occur when the State Fire Marshal approves vegetation clearance requirements. This is anticipated in 2025. Full enforcement on existing structures will not be required until one year after the State Fire Marshal approves final requirements. Full enforcement on new construction will take effect immediately upon approval of final clearance requirements:
- Full enforcement on new construction anticipated to be in 2025
- Full enforcement on existing structures anticipated to be in 2026
Who will administer and enforce AB 3074?
Once approved, the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department will be under state mandate to administer and enforce the provisions of AB 3074 in conjunction with the existing Proactive Brush Management Program.
How can I prepare for AB 3074?
Although the requirements have not yet been finalized, you can view the current recommendations prepared by Cal Fire available in the Defensible Zone Guide.
View the full text of AB 3074 on the California Legislative Information webpage.
Guidance for Communities
Emergency Response and Evacuation Resources
Red Flag Warnings and Emergency and Evacuation Notifications
- The Genasys Protect App (For active fire status updates and evacuation order notifications)
- Watch Duty App (Alerts you of nearby wildfire and firefighting efforts in real-time)
- Alert San Diego App (Lets you plan for the unexpected in advance and create an emergency plan)