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Get It Done - Police

I Need To...
Apply Now

Apply for a multi-organization media identification card (for freelancers who provide service to more than one media organization)

Apply for a job with the Police Department

Apply for a single-organization media identification card (for those that work for and provide service to only one media organization)

Apply for a permit or license to operate a police regulated business within the City limits

Apply for an alarm permit

Apply for a permit for special events impacting traffic such as parades, running events, street fairs, block parties, stadium events, Sports Arena events or concerts

Apply for a temporary restraining order

Apply for a Letter of Agency

Find Now

Get a copy of a traffic collision report

Find the status of your auto theft case

Find out if or where your car was towed

Find information on an impounded vehicle

Learn about pre-paid parking cards, residential permits, enforcement holidays, and other parking topics

Find information on crime statistics and related maps

Find volunteer opportunities at the Police Department

Find out how to obtain a temporary restraining order

Find out if someone is in County jail

Find and contact the detective who is working on your case by calling your community's police station

Find information on special events, road closures, evacuations, earthquakes, and other major events

Pay Now

Pay for your parking ticket/citation

Pay for your alarm permit

Report Now

Report a vehicle parked in the same place for over 72 hours

Report a stolen vehicle

Report a complaint against a beverage establishment

Report a narcotics-related incident

Report a non-emergency crime through the Citizens' Online Police Reporting System

Report problems with street lights, potholes or traffic signals

If there is a vicious or dangerous animal running loose or someone is being attacked, call 9-1-1.

To report a non-emergency issue with an animal or report non-vicious dogs running loose or off leash, contact Animal Regulations at 858-278-9760 x 2866.

Report graffiti

Report an oversized vehicle

Report a parking zone issue (e.g. car parked in a red zone)

Request Now

Request additional patrols in your neighborhood

Request a check of your home while you are on vacation

Request a ride along with a patrol officer