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SDPD Budget

The City of San Diego's budget is developed annually for each fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30. Under the strong mayor form of government, the budget is proposed by the Mayor with input from City Council (Council) and the public. The budget may be revised by Council and is adopted by Council subject to mayoral line-item veto.

Key Dates in the Budget Process

November: Development of the Five-Year Financial Outlook to forecast anticipated revenues and expenditures for the next five years based on economic assumptions and City priorities.

April 15: Mayor releases the Proposed Budget to the public and City Council in compliance with the City Charter.

April 15 - May: Public review and discussion of proposed budget via the Budget Review Committee.

May: Mayor issues any revisions to the budget based on the public and Council input received. This is known as the May Revise.

June 15: On or before June 15, Council will hear and approve the budget. Within five business days of receipt of Council’s approved budget, the Mayor has the discretion to line-item veto any budget items approved by Council. In turn, the Council, also within five business days and by a supermajority, may override the Mayor’s veto.

July 1: Adopted Budget takes effect and fiscal year begins.

Current Budget Snapshot

CategoryAmountPercent of Budget
Information Technology$22,406,613 
Energy / Utilities$11,302,016 
Total 100.0%

Potential Future Budget Impacts

Salary and Benefits (Personnel): The recognized employee organizations (REO) are the negotiating entities for the salary and benefits of San Diego Police Department personnel. Any contract agreements reached by the REOs may impact future budgets and are not discretionary.

Pension Payments: All City of San Diego employees are enrolled in the San Diego City Employees' Retirement System and receive a pension upon retirement based on years of service and contributions to the system. Annual pension costs can fluctuate depending on the overall economy and the number of members in retirement.

Overtime Expenditures: Staffing needs and unexpected overtime due to incidents can cause an increase in overtime expenditures. The department aims to limit overtime when possible, however, must respond to public safety priorities when they arise. 

Breakdown of Current Budget