Geographic Information System (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) form a major component of IT services provisioned City-wide by the Department of Information Technology (DoIT). GIS provides a toolset for spatially managing government information, analyzing data, and improving departmental efficiencies. GIS is utilized extensively throughout the City as the underlying technology for widely varying applications such as 911 dispatch, crime analysis, brush management, fire hazard assessment, asset and infrastructure management, CIP projects, planning and community development, special event permitting, and street-related work order processing.
San Diego Geographic Information Source (SanGIS)
The Department of IT helps support and coordinate the operation of the San Diego Geographic Information Source (SanGIS). SanGIS is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) created between the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, to provide a common, central repository for GIS (mapping) data. SanGIS serves both government agencies and the public.