Public Service Announcement Regarding Meeting Access:
Until further notice, Planning Commission meetings will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code section 54953(a), as amended by Assembly Bill 2249.
Effective February 10, 2023, the Planning Commission will hold in-person meetings and be open for in-person testimony.
In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may also participate and provide comments via telephone, ZOOM, using the Planning Commission webform, or via U.S. Mail of written materials.
The Public is encouraged to subscribe to receive meeting agendas via Constant Contact notification.
The link to join the webinar by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone is:
To Join by Telephone
Dial 1-669-254 5252 or (Toll-Free) 1-833-568-8864
When prompted, input Webinar ID: 160 758 6412
Senate Bill 343 (Late-Arriving Material): Pursuant to California Senate Bill 343 (Section 54957.5(b) of the Brown Act), late-arriving documents related to Planning Commission meeting agenda items which are distributed to the legislative body prior to and during the Planning Commission meeting are available for public review at the Development Services Department Building, 1222 First Avenue, 1st Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. This relates to those documents received after the agenda is publicly noticed and during the 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Please note: Approximately one hour prior to the start of the Planning Commission, the documents will be available just outside Council Chambers in the lobby of the 12th floor of the City Administration Building in a binder labeled “SB 343.” Late-arriving materials received during the Planning Commission meeting are available for review by making a verbal request of Planning Commission staff located in Council Chambers.