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Office of the City Clerk

Municipal Golf Committee


To serve in an advisory capacity to the Park and Recreation Board, Mayor, and City Council on policy issues relating to the acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of the following municipal golf courses: Balboa Golf Course, Mission Bay Golf Course and Torrey Pines Golf Course.


Appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.


For initial appointments, five (5) members shall be appointed to a term of two (2) years, and six (6) members to a term of four (4) years. Subsequent appointments shall be for four (4) year terms. The expiration of each term shall be May 1. Each member may elect to serve until his or her successor in interest is duly appointed and qualified. The maximum number of terms that a member may serve is two (2), including those members initially appointed to serve a two (2) year term. An interval of four (4) years must pass before any member who has served eight (8) years may be reappointed.


Eleven (11) members with the following qualifications:

  • One (1) member shall have expertise in accounting or financial management;
  • One (1) member shall represent a lessee from one of the above municipal golf courses;
  • One (1) member shall have expertise in general business;
  • One (1) member shall have expertise in golf course architecture, landscape architecture, or irrigation management;
  • One (1) member shall be from the Torrey Pines Golf Course Men's or Women's Club;
  • One (1) member shall be from the Balboa Park Golf Course, Men's or Women's Club;
  • One (1) member shall represent the Mission Bay Golf Course, until such time as a club is formed for this golf course, at which time the member shall be from that club;
  • One (1) member shall be a youth golf program professional; and
  • Three (3) members shall be at large members, however, they shall have experience playing golf, utilizing the golf courses, or shall be familiar with the courses and needs of golfers in general.

Governed By

Ordinance O-20255,(PDF) adopted 5/02/2013; San Diego Municipal Code Section 26.30 (d)(PDF).


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