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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
01/30/2018 ML-2018-2 Legality of Setting Traffic Citation Issuance Goals
01/03/2018 ML-2018-1 Downzoning of Water Utility Property Prior to Sale
06/29/2018 ML-2017-9 Funds Commision Jurisdiction Under Charter Section 41(a)
11/13/2017 ML-2017-8 Councilmember Absences
09/14/2017 ML-2017-7 Timing of Election for Soccer City Citizen's Initiative
06/07/2017 ML-2017-6 Local Hire Requirement in Proposed Transient Occupancy Tax Measure
05/19/2017 ML-2017-5 Proposed Transient Occupancy Tax Measure and the Single Subject Rule
04/04/2017 ML-2017-4 California Supreme Court Decision: City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith)
03/24/2017 ML-2017-3 Location of Public Art Paid for with Water Utility Funds
03/24/2017 ML-2017-2 Brown Act Rule Regarding Public Comment at City Council on Items Previously Considered at Council Committee
03/08/2017 ML-2017-1 Proposed Amendments to the Burglary and Panic Alarm Systems Ordinance, San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 3, Article 3, Division 37
06/16/2016 ML-2016-9 Council Policy 700-22 and Giftof Public Funds
05/19/2016 ML-2016-8 Firs Amendment Issues Related to the Regulation of Fitness and Yoga Classes in City Parks and Beaches
05/16/2016 ML-2016-7 Preemption of Local Ordinance Prohibiting the Manufacturing, Sale, Distribution, and Possession of Unregulated Novel Drugs
03/18/2016 ML-2016-6 Drafting of Ballot Measure and Fiscal Impact Analysis
02/11/2016 ML-2016-5 Constitutionality of San Diego Municipal Code section 26.16
01/29/2016 ML-2016-4 San Diego Charter section 32.1 and Subpoena Power
01/21/2016 ML-2016-3 Hazard Warnings for Construction Activity
01/12/2016 ML-2016-2 Legal Effect of Adding a Preamble to the Charter
11/30/2016 ML-2016-18 Interpretation of San Diego Municipal Code Section 39.0105(g)
11/07/2016 ML-2016-17 City of San Diego Safe Exchange Pilot Program
10/18/2016 ML-2016-16 Applicability of Earned Sick Leave andMinimum Wage Ordinance to Public AgencyEmployees; Private Businesses on Public Agency Land; Employees Traveling Through the City, and BusinessesLocated on Federal Enclaves
10/12/2016 ML-2016-15 Legal Interpretation of Charter Section 225
09/07/2016 ML-2016-14 The Legality of the Proposed Model Unmanned Aircraft Systems Ordinance
07/28/2016 ML-2016-13 Retiree Health Reimbursements for Health Eligible Retirees
07/27/2016 ML-2016-12 Potential Conflict of Interest in Hiring the Program Manager for the Plaza de Panama Project
07/01/2016 ML-2016-11 Local Regulation of Uber, Lyft, and other Transportation Network Companies
06/24/2016 ML-2016-10 Transmission of Electricity from Cogeneration Facility at Metro Biosolids Center to Advanced Water Treatment Facility at North City Water Reclamation Plant
01/04/2016 ML-2016-1 Payment of Workers' Compensation Benefits to Public Safety Officers Retiring OUt of the Deferred Retirement Option Program
06/11/2015 ML-2015-9 Application of Recent Amendments to the Fair Political Practices Commission Regulations Regarding a Material Effect on Real Property and the Public Generally Exception
05/14/2015 ML-2015-8 City Liability for Maintenance and Brush Management on Paper Streets
04/23/2015 ML-2015-7 Delegation of Governmental Functions to Civic San Diego
04/10/2015 ML-2015-6 Regulating Advertising of Tobacco Products and Electronic Cigarettes in the City of San Diego
03/16/2015 ML-2015-5 Effective and Operational Dates of Referended Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance
03/04/2015 ML-2015-4 Applicability of Single Subject Rule to Charter Amendments Proposed by the City Council
12/21/2015 ML-2015-21 Applicability of Conflict of Interest Laws to Consultants Working on the Capital Improvement Program
12/17/2015 ML-2015-20 Application of Proposed Living Wage Ordinance Amendments to the City's Existing Emergency Medical Services Contract
01/30/2015 ML-2015-2 Local Regulation of the Transportation of Medical Marijuana
12/14/2015 ML-2015-19 Exemptions from Environmental Regulations for Emergency Channel
11/17/2015 ML-2015-18 Contracting Requirements for Developer-Reimbursed Public Improvement Projects (Update to ML-20118)
11/03/2015 ML-2015-17 The Legality of Appointment Language in San Diego Charter Section 42
10/26/2015 ML-2015-16 Role of the City Council on Considering Water Rate Increases
09/11/2015 ML-2015-15 San Diego Municipal Code Section 52.80.01 Relating to Trespass, Peaceful Political Activity
09/04/2015 ML-2015-14 Recycled Water Rates
08/24/2015 ML-2015-13 Roles of the San Diego City Council and the Mayor in Approving and Modifying Collective Bargaining Agreements
07/14/2015 ML-2015-12 Overview of City Charter and Municipal Code Requirements for City Contracts
06/09/2015 ML-2015-10 Blucar and Zirx and City's Valet Parking Regulations
01/29/2015 ML-2015-1 Car Sharing: Review of Legal Issues
08/26/2014 ML-2014-9 Removing the Current Limitation on the Number of Taxicab Permits
08/14/2014 ML-2014-8 Constitutionality of San Diego's Demonstration Activity Buffer Zone Ordinance