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Office of the City Attorney

Towing Complaint

Thank you for contacting the City Attorney’s Office, Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit.

Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge. If you have any documents supporting your complaint, including advertisements, receipts, invoices, cancelled checks (front and back), contracts, and emails, please scan them into your computer before starting this form. You’ll be able to attach your scanned documents by clicking on the paper clip below the form.

An attorney and/or investigator will review your complaint once it is received. In the meantime, if you change your telephone number, e-mail, or mailing address, please let us know so that we will be able to contact you if necessary.

Due to legal requirements and limited resources, the Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit is not able to fully investigate or file an action against every suspect about whom complaints are received. Therefore, you should immediately take whatever private lawful action you deem appropriate to protect or enforce your rights. There are two services which may assist you in pursuing a private remedy: Small Claims Court 858-634-1919 and Lawyers Referral Service 619-231-8585.

If you need to send any supporting documents after submitting this form, please email them to or mail them to:

Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Suite 1100
San Diego, California 92101-4103