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Development Services


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Fee schedules are used to calculate the amount needed to pay for services for a proposed project. The fees vary depending on the size and complexity of your project. The Development Services Department also collects fees on behalf of other City departments and government entities.

For more or more information about individual fees, please refer to Information Bulletins or the individual fee schedules below.

 Available Payment Methods

  • Online Payments:
    Customers are encouraged to make online payments by e-check or credit card. 
    Bank and processing fees apply. There are no minimum or maximum credit card transaction amounts when making payments online.
  • Onsite Payments:
    1. Customers can drop check payments into the payment drop-off safe located on the first-floor lobby of the downtown Development Services Center during business hours. All payments must be made out to “City Treasurer.” 
    2. Customers can also request a Payments appointment to make credit card or check payments in person at the Development Services Center. With in-person payments, the minimum credit card transaction amount is $10, and the maximum is $99,999.99. Payments with an "SAP Invoice Number" are not accepted here. Instead, these invoices can be paid with the City Treasurer; Learn more

 Fee Reminders

  • Water and Sewer Invoices
    Water and sewer invoices must be paid in-person with a scheduled Payments appointment and reflect the same date as the appointment. Invoices without the correct date will require staff to generate a new invoice, which may exceed the 15-minute appointment time. When this occurs, customers will be required to wait in the lobby until a new invoice is generated and the corresponding payment is processed.  
  • Development Impact Fees (DIF)
    In-person payments of DIF must be paid with a check, money order or a cashier's check made out to “City Treasurer” onsite.   

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