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Historical Resources

Photos of Historical Sites

Helping San Diego Protect Its History

You are at the right place to learn more about the Historical Resources Board, the benefits and guidelines of historical preservation and more about San Diego's history, historical sites, cultural landscapes and archeological sites.

Historic Preservation Program Structure

The City’s historic preservation program is cooperatively managed by the Planning Department, which is responsible for the City’s long-range planning efforts and the development of new ordinances and regulations, and the Development Services Department (DSD), which is responsible for implementing those policies and regulations through permitting and enforcement. Each department oversees different aspects of the City’s historic preservation program in accordance with their respective department's mission. Staff in both departments work closely together, ensuring coordination and consistency across the City’s historic preservation program.

DSD’s Historical Resources section is responsible for:

  • Reviewing of projects impacting designated and potential historic resources.
  • Designating individually significant historic resources.
  • The City’s Mills Act Program.
  • Staffing the City’s Historical Resources Board and its subcommittees.

The Planning Department’s Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for:

  • Development of long-range planning policies and implementing regulations;
  • Development of new historic contexts and surveys; and
  • Designation of new historic districts.

For information on these aspects of the City’s program, please refer to the Planning Department’s Historic Preservation Planning webpage.

Historical Resources Board and Subcommittee Meeting Dates

The 2024 Meeting Dates Memo lists all Historical Resources Board and Subcommittee meeting dates and locations for the 2024 calendar year.

Historic Nomination Process and Appointment Information

The Historic Resource Nomination Process handout describes the requirements, fees and process to nominate a resource for designation on the City's Register of Historic Resources.

To schedule a submittal appointment or for additional information about the program and process, please call 619-235-5224 or email us.

Historic Preservation Highlights

The City is now using the California Historical Resources Inventory Database to manage information related to its historic resources. This database includes information about historic resources designated or listed in the National Register and resources identified as part of a community plan update historical survey. We encourage the public's use of this data. If you have questions or find errors, please send us an email.