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Development Services

Mcfadden & Buxton's Block A

MCFADDEN & BUXTON'S BLOCK A.tif MCFADDEN & BUXTON'S BLOCK.A Lots 21-22- Permit to Garnet C, & Fredda Moore to operate cabinet and repair shop at 3711 R~ St, in exist 24 1 x 24' garage, Cond'l. Res #7160 2-18-53 Lots 21-22- Permit to Garnet C, & Fredda Moore to operate cabinet and repair shop at 3711 R~ St. in exist garage, Cond '1. Res #9025 7-6-55 Lots 21-22- 1 yr ext to Res 9025 to Garnet & Fredda Moore to operate cabinet and repair shop at 3711 R~ St, Cond I l, C-584 6-20-56 1 year extension- 5-29-57 2 year extension to exp 6-30-61 2 year extension to exp 6-30-63 (6-27-61) 2 year extension to exp 6-30-65 Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Lee A. & Nancy E. Homer to erect 110 1 of 41 high wall street side yard on Landis Street at 3706 Grim Avenue. R-3A Zone. Condition. NH. 5-31-78. obs a O' C-15215---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------