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Development Services

Sec 3, Township 15s, R3w (Sorrento) Card 1

SEC 3, TOWNSHIP 15S, R3W (SORRENTO) CARD 1.tif-SECTillN 3:, TOWN::~~p 15 S 1_:$.,.. (,Sorrent,_.} 3 ~~, I Title Ins & 'rr Co, Trustee, & willi1:1 N. Allen, owners, & Zl Camino Heruorial Park, a corp. purchaser- permit to develop & operate a cemetery & mausoleum~ includ chapel, mortuary, administration bldg NJ:; side vorrento Valley i> d near > II end of Carrol Uanyon, approx 1 mile E of..,orrento P. o. C.U.P. Case:3399 7-20-60 ti Hoa._______________________________________ ___ Ext of Time granted to above to expire 8-9-61. Case 3399 1-4-61--------------------------------------------- El Camino Memorial Park & Willis M. Allen- to develop & operate a cemetery & mausoleum & related facilities on NE side of Sorrento Valley Rd near Wend of Carrol Canyon, a~pr. 1 mile E of Sorrento P.O. C. U. P. Case 4120 6/7 /61./,1,, amendment to C,U.P. 3399to delete con. #1 of C 4120 7-5-61 qf-'t. ' 1/,H) Case No. 4).20 a.mends Cond 7 to read.: be less than 20 1 wide and shall be surfaced with not less than 2" A.C. prior to final inspection clearance by the Bldg. Insp. Dept. on the construction approved herein. AioVE c::;-No:4120-.;~~-'t;i';;;,-c~ct1t1~-N7>:-i1ti;-~7i7i.;7i.-'i7i--;.;~~-"Th;-s7i'uie-stee1____ storage buildings will be painted a neutral color and will be removed from the site not later than VJ.dnight, August JO, 1968. ~~-... ~~-~~.:-L?~.:~_c:z_________ ~:~-~~:-~:~-------------~=~::~~---------------- Portion- Permit GRANTED to H. 7.-FENTON MATERIAL COMPANY, a California Corporation, owner/permittee filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a sand and gravel extraction and processing facility located north of Carroll Road, between El Camino Memorial Park and Interstate 15, Zone A-1-10. CUP 571-PC 11-9-79
