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Development Services

Talmadge Park # 2 Card 4

TALMADGE PARK # 2 CARD 4.tif TALMADGE PARK #2,.g18'-S ((CARD #4 Lot 332- Permit {no name) for Land Conservation Approval at 4874 Hart Drive; on the N side oj Adams st betw Bueno and Argos. Residence Addn. 63-LC 11-6-73 {~t-324-:.;;~d-C;~;;;;;.;;:;~-Permit to LeRoy Zummerman for room addition to house at 4368 Argos Dr, 150-LC 10-16-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 292- Hillside Review Permit to Chappell for house addn, 4811 E. Alder Dr. 252-HR 12-3-75 Lot 267- Hillside Review Permit to Mr.. & Mrs. Wulbern for 2nd story addn to single family dwelling at 4304 Alpine Drive 304- HR 6-15-76 Lot 314- Star Venture Corp. AGREEMENT to constr a 2-story SFD w/bar sink in lower level at 4846 W. Alder Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2393 9/22/78 Lot 314- Permit to Star Venture Corporation to canst a two-story, sfd to res in 40' height in the 4800 block of West Alder Drive. Zone R-1-5 {HR). Condition. C-15394. 9-18-78. Lot 313- Permit to Kenneth Boyle to constr 3-story sgle fam dwell res in approx 36' ht where max 30' is perm, at 4850 W. Alder Dr., Zone R-1-5. Condit. c-15820 3/28/79 Lot 1167- AGREEMENT to DAVE AND ANN BURNETT to add-sink in closet of master bedroom, at 4750- 49th Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2671 6-2-81