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Development Services

Westwood Townhouses #3 Card 1

WESTWOOD TOWNHOUSES #3 CARD 1.tif WES'NOOD TOWNHOUSES#3 ~-... ""t"ARDff 1 Lots 8,9,11- Request m- Avco Community Developers, Inc to (1) constr a multi-unit apt complex providing a common driveway for access to reg parking where each parking space shall have convenient access to public street or alley (2) to provide 70 off-street parki~ spaces for 52 unit(52--,.. 2 bedrooms) on Lot 9 where 84 are required at 17200 Blk West Bernardo Dr betw Duenda Rd and Rancho Bernardo Rd.Zone R-3. Approved Agreement =to exp 5-1-74 C-lll 78 fllt1r 5-18-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Request 'iifol EIS- Avco Community Developers, Inc. to cons tr a model bome complex and sales office with 8 units as model nomes and using garages of 2 units as temporary sales office for a period of 2 years established approx 8o' from occupied units in another subdiv wnere 6 units used as models and not located any closer than 200' from any occupied dwelling,,,units not in same subdiv is permittedJ at 17200 Blk West Barnardo Dr; betw Duenda Rd and Rencho Bernardo Rd. Zone R 3.-~~~:~~~-~:::~~:.:.~.:~~-~:::!~-~-~~-~~~~1~:~l}i~-~l-f.:1-~_'-f=L~~~~i-~~}:_ Lot 10- Permit to Avco Community Developers, Inc. to constr model home complex and sales offices with 8 units as model homes, using garages of two of tnese nomes as temporary sales offices for a period of two years at 17200 Blk West Bernardo Dr. Zone R-3, AGREE #1767 5-22-72 Parcel A- variance WITHDRAWN to constr approx 10' aisle and driveway for req parking sp obs O' wnere 18 1 is req by document at 11699 Duenda Rd betw West Bernardo Dr & Hwy 395. Zone CA, c-11670 N.H. Filed 1-10-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------