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Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention

Statistical Data Resources for Grant Writing

Kids Data

Data on youth in our community can be collected and reports downloaded at this site: Kids Data. You can sort by economic, demographic, poverty and resource data. Great Reports to help with grant writing to serve youth

Healthy City

Healthy City is a treasure of data on services and resource along with health data done by census tracts and ZIP codes. Click here for researching information statewide, countywide or ZIP code focused.

Cost of Violence Data

Cost of Violence Data can be found on the U.S. Center for Disease Control site: CDC.Gov.

Facts at a Glance

The Commission on Children, Youth and Families has a Partnership Committee which is charged with developing and strengthening partnerships among government, councils, commissions, associations, advisory bodies, and the community in order to develop the knowledge and skills needed to improve and integrate service delivery and outcomes for children, youth and families. In support of this effort, "Facts at a Glance," was created to better understand the correlation among problems that families face and gain knowledge of the linkages. This document was developed by Lyn M. Angene, Special Projects Manager, San Diego Juvenile Court (2008).

First Steps

Taking Action Early to Prevent Violence:The evidence is overwhelming: barriers to positive, healthy early childhood development and early experiences of violence inversely affect children in ways that persist far beyond childhood, impacting brain development, academic achievement, relationships, and the risk of being involved in violence. It is critically important to foster healthy development and prevent violence from occurring by reducing risks and fostering resiliency, working collaboratively, and comprehensively addressing underlying issues. Ensuring that young children have the supports and opportunities they need and deserve is a priority that requires great commitment. Click on Prevention Institute (2002) for details and more research.