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Homelessness Strategies and Solutions

UPDATE: Ongoing COVID-19 Testing at Convention Center

Monday, December 7, 2020 - NEWS RELEASE

SAN DIEGO – The following is an update to the information released on Saturday, Dec. 5, regarding additional positives identified after recent rounds of COVID-19 testing at Operation Shelter to Home at the San Diego Convention Center. Since April, anyone with symptoms has been immediately isolated for evaluation and the large rounds of testing have been to identify those who are showing little or no symptoms of the virus.

These new positive cases at the shelter also come amid a surge in COVID-19 cases across the country, with the United States averaging over 183,000 new cases per day. The number of positive cases in the U.S. now tops 14.8 million, including over 282,000 deaths.

The recent positive test results are not unexpected given the surge seen throughout the region, the state and the country. Similar to residents throughout San Diego County, shelter clients are permitted to conduct essential daily activities in accordance with public health guidelines, which may include going to work, doctor visits, retail and grocery stores, etc.

Recent test results:


Tests Administered





Cumulative Total (since April)

  • Staff
  • Clients








Testing 12/3






Testing 12/5






Testing 12/7






*Other: includes tests deemed as inconclusive, indeterminant or incomplete. Inconclusive/indeterminant is a test that is unable to be determined as positive or negative due to lack of sample or the viral load was below the threshold. The two terms can be used interchangeably depending on the lab completing the analysis. Incomplete is a test where identification of testee is missing or illegible.

The regional agencies responsible for Operation Shelter to Home have long planned for this possibility and immediately implemented pre-established procedures to isolate and treat anyone who tested positive.

County and service provider staff are notifying all clients who tested positive and facilitating transportation to a local hotel managed by the County of San Diego for public health use. Staff who tested positive were notified and advised to stay home per protocols. Positive individuals will be kept off-site until medically cleared to return to the shelter based on federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

Existing preventive measures being taken at the shelter include:

  • Screening clients and staff at the Convention Center daily by temperature check and verbal questionnaire
  • Washing and sanitization of hands upon each re-entry into the facility
  • Wearing a face covering when moving about or leaving the center
  • Prevention and safety announcements every two hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. over the public address system
  • Cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and the facility frequently
  • Evaluating and isolating individuals exhibiting any symptoms of illness and transferring off-site if necessary

Additional testing results will be updated online at