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Office of the City Clerk

Council Policies

What is a Council Policy?

City of San Diego Council Policies contain all City policy statements adopted by resolution of the City Council. Each policy statement includes:

  1. a brief background description;
  2. the purpose of the policy;
  3. the policy statements;
  4. other criteria or procedural sections as required; and
  5. cross reference notations as to appropriate provisions in the City Charter, Municipal Code, Administrative Regulations, etc.


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Council Policies by Policy Number

Official City Documents

Number Title
cpd_900-23 Complete Streets Policy
cpd_900-22 Prioritizing Actions for Climate Action Plan Implementation
cpd_900-21 Business Cooperation Program
cpd_900-20 Naming of City Assets
cpd_900-19 Tree Protection
cpd_900-18 Purchase of Energy Efficient Products
cpd_900-17 Storefront Improvement Program
cpd_900-16 Construction and Demolition (C&D) Material Recycling
cpd_900-15 Small Business Enhancement Program (SBEP)
cpd_900-14 Sustainable Building Policy
cpd_900-13 Telecommunications
cpd_900-12 Business Incentive Program
cpd_900-11 Inclusion of Public Art in Selected Capital Improvements Program and Redevelopment Agency Projects
cpd_900-10 Comprehensive Code Enforcement Policy
cpd_900-09 Community Reinvestment
cpd_900-08 Code Enforcement Impact Analysis
cpd_900-07 Business Improvement Districts
cpd_900-06 Solid Waste Recycling
cpd_900-05 The City of San Diego Health Facility Revenue Bond Law: Requirement of Insurance Under Municipal Code Section 47.0205
cpd_900-04 Industrial Development
cpd_900-03 Zero Emissions Municipal Buildings and Operations Policy
cpd_900-02 Energy Conservation
cpd_900-01 Economic Development
cpd_800-16 Asset Management Guidelines and Plan Steps
cpd_800-15 Equal Opportunity Contracting
cpd_800-14 Prioritizing Capital Improvement Program Projects
cpd_800-13 Technical Requirements for the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance
cpd_800-12 Accelerated Turnkey Development by Private Parties of Public Facilities
cpd_800-11 Partial Release of Performance Bonds and Other Types of Sureties
cpd_800-10 Subdivision Improvements - Use of Lien Agreements
cpd_800-09 Assessment Deferral Program
cpd_800-08 Acceptance of Surety Bonds
cpd_800-07 Public Restroom Facilities
cpd_800-06 Capital Improvements Programming
cpd_800-05 Median Openings
cpd_800-04 Drainage Facilities
cpd_800-03 Public Infrastructure Financing Assessment Districts and Community Facilities
cpd_800-02 Utility Undergrounding Program - Use of Case 8209 Funds for Conversion Work on Private Property
cpd_800-01 Installation of Pedestrian Separation Structure
cpd_700-48 Parks and Recreation Department Opportunity Fund Policy
cpd_700-47 PETCO Park City Suite
cpd_700-46 Mills Act Agreements for Preservation of Historic Property
cpd_700-45 Inducement Policy for Extraordinarily Large Conventions
cpd_700-44 Council Policy Flood Control Measures
cpd_700-43 Booking and Rental Policies of the Convention and Performing Arts Center
cpd_700-42 Recreation Councils
cpd_700-41 Use of the RFP Process for Lease of City-Owned Land
cpd_700-40 Operation of San Diego Stadium
cpd_700-39 Eminent Domain Proceedings - Notice Period
cpd_700-38 Sale of City-Owned Real Estate at Less than Fair Market Value