Council President Joe LaCava
Council President Joe LaCava represents San Diego City Council District 1. He is a San Diego native and San Digo State University graduate. He has lived in District 1 since 1983 with his wife Lorene.
President LaCava is a licensed civil engineer and community leader on diverse issues like land use, housing, climate change, the environment, and infrastructure. Prior to his election in 2020, he served on nearly 30 civic boards, planning groups, and commissions.
Council President LaCava is the Environment Committee chair; vice chair of the Active Transportation & Infrastructure, Land Use & Housing, and Rules Committees; and sits on the Budget & Government Efficiency Committee. He is chair of the Board of Directors for San Diego Community Power and the San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority. He is chair of SANDAG's Regional Planning Committee and an ex officio member of the SANDAG Board of Directors.