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Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera (District 9)

City Heights

City Heights is centrally located in the San Diego metropolitan area, south of Mission Valley, north of the Martin Luther King Freeway (State Route 94), between Interstates 15 and 805 on the west and 54th Street on the east. Development in City Heights is a mixture of single-family and multi-family residential with commercial and other non-residential development concentrated along the major arterials, including El Cajon Boulevard, University Avenue, Fairmount Avenue, and Euclid Avenue. There are also pockets of neighborhood commercial areas throughout the community. A small portion of industrial development is located on the southern edge of the community.

Within City Heights there are sixteen distinguishable neighborhoods, each with its own identity. Neighborhoods that comprise City Heights are: Corridor, Teralta West, Teralta East, Colina Park, Cherokee Point, Castle, Azalea Park, Hollywood Park, Fairmount Park, Bayridge, Fairmount Village, Swan Canyon, Islenair, Ridgeview, Chollas Creek and Fox Canyon. Neighborhood associations in each neighborhood are the focal points for local control of local affairs and are the sources of recommendations to the City Council.

City Heights Planning Division Website

Community Organizations

City Heights Area Planning Committee (CHAPC)
First Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans Offices
4089 Fairmount Avenue
Chair: Russ Connelly

City Heights Town Council
First Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Mid City Police Station
4310 Landis St.
Chair: Taylor McDonald

City Heights Business Association
Second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 a.m.
4305 University Avenue, Suite 540
Executive Director: Enrique Gandarilla, (619) 906-4443

El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association
Third Thursday every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
3727 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92105