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Council President Sean Elo-Rivera (District 9)

City of San Diego Budget

As is often said, a budget is a values statement. Our priorities as a City are demonstrated by how we decide to spend the community’s money and the spending we choose to cut. This is true during times of abundance and even more accurate when times are tough.

Every year, Councilmembers send their priorities for projects and programs to the Mayor to be included in the proposed budget. Council President Sean Elo-Rivera wants to hear from residents, business owners and workers, and people with a stake in the success of District 9 about your funding priorities. Checkout other important dates related to the budget in our timeline below!


Engage With Your Budget

We need your help! We want to hear from you, our constituents, on your priorities for the city’s budget. Your voice matters and is fundamental to ensuring that our City’s budget meets your needs. The following are opportunities for YOU to engage:

  • District 9 Survey - Closed on 9/22/23
  • May 2024 - City Council First Public Input Budget Hearing 
  • May 2024 - City Council Budget Review Committee Hearings
  • May 2024 - City Council Second Public Input Budget Hearing
  • June 2024 - City Council Budget Hearing and Final Modifications


25 budget timeline