Mission Trails Regional Park Plan Updates
1985 Mission Trails Regional Park Master Development Plan Update
The City of San Diego Planning Department, Park Planning Section, initiated a formal Master Plan Update (MPU) process for Mission Trail Regional Park (MTRP) in the winter of 2010. The MTRP MPU process included a series of public workshops, held in the spring of 2011, to engage local stakeholders and the interested public in the identification and refinement of future development options for MTRP. As part of the MPU process, a Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) has also been prepared. The NRMP, a requirement of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP), has been developed concurrently with the MPU to ensure that protection and management concerns for both environmental and cultural resources have been fully assessed and integrated into the MPU.
A Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) has also been prepared as a part of this effort to ensure compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for all proposed facilities and management activities planned as part of both the MPU and NRMP.
The Final MPU, NRMP and Community Plan Technical Amendments are provided below for review. Comments or questions regarding these document or the hearing process can be provided directly to Project Manager, Betsy Miller at: bmiller@sandiego.gov.
Download PDFs of Master Plan Update & Natural Resource Management Plan here.
Download PDF’s of the Community Plan Technical Amendment here.
Rancho Encantado
East Elliot
The Final Programmatic EIR is available for public review on the following website: