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Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)

Fiscal Impact Analyses for City Ballot Measures

As prescribed by Municipal Code section 27.0506, the IBA develops draft fiscal impact analyses of proposed ballot measures relating to the City of San Diego. The draft fiscal impact analysis for each measure is provided to the Mayor and City Auditor. If there is disagreement among the IBA, Mayor and City Auditor regarding final wording that will appear on the ballot, the decision of two out of three prevails.

The fiscal impact analysis must reasonably inform the voters of the proposed measure's fiscal impact, if any, and be true, impartial and not argumentative.

For more information on ballot measures, please visit the City Clerk's webpage.

November 2024 Election 

  • Measure C: Amendments to Charter Section 66 Regarding Board of Education Elections
  • Measure D: Adding Charter Section 41.3 and Amending Section 41 to Strengthen the Independence of the Ethics Commission
  • Measure E: City of San Diego Sales Tax 

March 2024 Election

  • Measure A: Charter Amendment Regarding Independent Legal Counsel for the Office of the City Auditor and Audit Committee 

November 2022 Election

  • Measure B: Amends San Diego Municipal Code Section 66.0127 Related to Solid Waste Management Services
  • Measure C: Removing 30-Foot Height Limit in Midway-Pacific Highway Community Plan Area
  • Measure D: Contracting Updates, Project Labor Agreements for State Funding Eligibility
  • Measure H: Charter Amendment Regarding Article V. Section 55

November 2018 Election

  • Proposition E: Mission Valley Stadium – Soccer City Initiative
  • Proposition G: Mission Valley Stadium – SDSU West Initiative
  • Proposition H: Charter Amendment Enacting Term Limits for School Board Members
  • Proposition J: Charter Amendment Regarding Mandatory Disclosure of Business Interests
  • Proposition K: Charter Amendment Limiting City Council Members to Serving Two Hour-Year Terms
  • Proposition L: Charter Amendments Regarding Ethics and Compensation for Elected City Officers
  • Proposition M: Charter Amendment Regarding Reappointment of Audit Committee Public Members
  • Proposition N: Reinstatement of Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit for Police Officers

November 2016 Election

  • Measure C: Downtown Stadium Initiative
  • Measure D: Tax and Facilities Initiative
  • Measure E: Charter Amendment Regarding Qualifications, Vacancy, and Removal for Mayor, City Attorney, and Council
  • Measure F: Charter Amendment Regarding Required Term of Service for Certain Terminations or Suspensions of Deputy City Attorneys
  • Measure G: Charter Amendments Regarding the Citizens’ Review Board on Police Practices
  • Measure H: Charter Amendments Regarding Purchasing and Contracting Processes for the City of San Diego
  • Measure I: Charter Amendment Regarding Balboa Park and San Diego High School
  • Measure J: Charter Amendment Regarding Use of Lease Revenue from Mission Bay Park
  • Measure K: Charter Amendment Requiring Run-Off Election for the Offices of Mayor, City Attorney and Councilmember
  • Measure L: Charter Amendment Requiring Citizens’ Initiative and Referendum Measures to be Placed on November General Election Ballots, Unless the Council Decides to Submit Them to Voters Earlier
  • Measure M: Affordable Housing: Increasing the Limit on the Number of Units the City and Certain Public Agencies are Allowed to Help Develop
  • Measure N: Non-Medical Cannabis Business Tax

June 2014 Election

  • Proposition A: Amends CIty Charter related to Elections
  • Proposition B: Referendum of Resolution related to Barrio Logan Community Plan Update
  • Proposition C: Referendum of Ordinances related to Barrio Logan Community Plan Update

June 2012 Election

  • Proposition A: Fair and Open Competition in Construction Ordinance
  • Proposition B: Amendments to the San Diego City Charter Affecting Retirement Benefits