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City Planning Department

What Is a Community Plan?

A community plan is a public document which contains specific proposals for future land uses and public improvements in a given community. A community plan is part of the City's General Plan. Typical elements found in a community plan include: Land Use, Transportation, Urban Design, Public Facilities and Services, Natural and Cultural Resources, and Economic Development. A community plan is developed through a partnership of the recognized Community Planning Group, the public, and City staff, working together to identify land use policies and recommendation to guide future development of the community.

A community plan provides a comprehensive, long-range vision for the community. The plan should address all aspects of community development and provide recommendations which guide development over a long period of time. The community plan must address not only issues within the community, but also citywide issues as they relate to the community. The planning process is based on the assumption that growth will occur and the plan must be a document that envisions what those changes will be.

The recommendations of the plan must be implemented through zoning regulations in the Land Development Code, the Capital Improvements Program, a Public Facilities Financing Plan or Impact Fee Study, and monitoring of projects.


Table describing Community Plans and Environmental Impact Review