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City Planning Department

Parks Master Plan - Parks for All of Us

San Ysidro Community ParkThe Parks Master Plan is part of the Parks for All of Us initiative and is an amendment to the General Plan Recreation Element. It includes an updated Citywide Park Development Impact Fee (DIF) to replace existing community-focused park development impact fees and it designates the Chollas Creek Watershed as a regional park. As called for in the 2008 General Plan, this new Parks Master Plan replaces the last plan approved in 1956.

Relevant parks and recreational programs should meet the changing needs and priorities of residents, both now and in the future. The system should offer safe, convenient access to a park space and recreation programming for everyone. Parks should be iconic, reflecting the unique qualities of their settings. The system should be sustainable. Park improvements, programs, and management strategies should contribute to economic, social, and environmental well-being.

Equity is a central value of the City’s Parks Master Plan. Park planning and investments should address long-standing inequities in the City’s parks system experienced by people that live in Traditionally Underserved Communities and areas with the greatest park deficiencies – areas of the City where we know that the greatest needs exist – by ensuring equal access to meaningful recreational opportunities. 

The City’s park and recreation needs have evolved, influenced by changes in population demographics and development patterns. Communities vary in the quality and availability of park spaces due to patterns of historical growth. Prior development patterns have also left parts of the City with fewer connections to parks and natural areas. More growth located in existing neighborhoods increases demand for parks that meet the unique needs of these developed areas that contain limited land for new park spaces. Prioritizing parks in these neighborhoods that are experiencing the greatest rates of residential growth is critical.

Ridgewood Twelve SoccerThe Parks Master Plan envisions bringing the many benefits of great parks and recreational opportunities to all City residents and visitors. Great parks feature quality recreational amenities and programs for diverse interests, ages, and abilities. These parks are comfortable, active, enjoyable, and safe spaces for social connections. Meaningful parks celebrate the history and identity of surrounding communities. They also protect and promote the health of sensitive natural resources and habitats. In a great system, parks join with lively public spaces, active streets, cultural amenities, trails, and conserved natural lands to make up a connected and accessible network of recreational experiences for everyone.

The General Plan Recreation Element Amendment identifies various methods by which the City can sustain, connect, and expand its parks and recreational opportunities through the implementation of the Parks Master Plan. A transition to an updated park development impact fee that is Citywide is critical to the successful implementation of the Parks Master Plan vision for a better and more equitable parks system. And the designation of the Chollas Creek Watershed as a Regional Park is a long overdue recognition that is consistent with new policies in the Parks Master Plan calling for new regional parks that serve more residents, particularly in Communities of Concern.

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