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About the Study

Rosecrans Street is one of the primary gateway corridors providing north/south access to the Old Town, Midway and Peninsula communities, as well as access to Interstate 5 and Interstate 8, making it a key link in the City's transportation system and a heavily used route by residents, employees, and visitors to the area. The purpose of the Rosecrans Corridor Mobility Study is to identify solutions to community concerns and recommend improvements to transportation features for motorists, pedestrians, transit riders, and bicyclists. The goal of the Study is to work with the community in developing feasible, technically sound, and community sensitive improvements for the study area.

As each community is unique in character and mobility needs, the Rosecrans Corridor Mobility Study will be evaluated both comprehensively as a whole as well as in four distinct zones:

Map of four zones within the Rosecrans Corridor

(click map for a larger view) (PDF)

  • Area 1 (Midway) - Old Town Transit Station to Lytton Street
  • Area 2 (NTC-Peninsula) - Lytton Street to Nimitz Boulevard
  • Area 3 (Peninsula North) - Nimitz Boulevard to Cañon Street
  • Area 4 (Peninsula South) - Cañon Street to Kellogg Street

The project program will entail three community workshops (PDF), walk audits (PDF), extensive technical analysis (including a traffic study, transit assessment, pedestrian assessment, bicycle assessment, and parking evaluation), conceptual engineering, and a report that details the final recommendation.

Community participation will be vital to this process in identifying existing issues and constraints in the area as well as in providing feedback on potential solutions. Several opportunities for community involvement will be available throughout the span of the project, including community workshops and walk audits.