North City Future Urbanizing Area Community Plan
About the North City Future Urbanizing Area

North City Future Urbanizing Area Subarea II (San Dieguito) is located north of the Carmel Valley community between Interstate 5 and Fairbanks Country Club. The natural resources and landform that comprise the San Dieguito River Valley are the prominent features of this planning area. Most uses within this portion of the river valley are related to agriculture or recreation. A large portion of the valley has been acquired as open space by the City of San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program and the San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The JPA is the multi-government agency, of which the City is a part, responsible for implementation and management of the River Park.
The most significant land use planning initiative that affects Subarea II is North City Future Urbanizing Area Framework Plan and General Plan policies. Growth management is intended to prevent premature urbanization to efficiently manage public and private resources based primarily upon geographic and fiscal constraints. Voter approval of Proposition ‘A’ in 1985 assured that a city-wide vote would decide any future shift of lands out of the General Plan’s ‘Future Urbanizing’ classification. The area shown as Proposition A Lands in the General Plan.
North City Future Urbanizing Area is in Council District 1.
Community Planner
Bernard Turgeon
Senior Planner