Expanding Existing Development
Given the highly limited availability of undeveloped land and the General Plan’s goal to increase density within developed areas, new infill development will often occur on a property that is already developed and may have an existing utilized development permit.
The purpose of Section 126.0113 is to allow new development to occur on a property that has an existing utilized development permit when the proposed development is not included within the scope of the utilized development permit but complies with the use and development regulations of the applicable base zone and/or overlay zone.
Section 126.0113 allows such development to be approved without an amendment to the development permit in accordance with a Process 1 construction permit because the environmental impacts of new development that complies with the regulations of the applicable base zone and/or overlay zone was analyzed and mitigated during the adoption of the comprehensive community plan update and the associated zoning package.
Learn More
New Development on a Site with a Utilized Development Permit (Information Bulletin 410)
Development on a Premises with a Utilized Development Permit (126.0113)