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City Planning Department

Flexible Regulations


Icon for Process Improvements and Streamlining


The City regularly updates the San Diego Municipal Code to simplify and streamline the permitting process, ensure compliance with State and Federal regulations, and to eliminate unnecessary barriers to development. These updates help address the City’s changing land use needs and challenges.

The following table summarizes regulations that were recently added or amended to reduce costs, streamline approvals, and create greater flexibility for projects to facilitate faster and easier housing production.

Extension of Time of a Development Permit (126.0111)

May extend the expiration date of an approved development permit one or more times, up to 72 months beyond the initial approval date.

Development Impact Fees

Development Impact Fees (as defined in California Government Code Section 66000) for applicable development shall be paid prior to requesting a final inspection.

Transit Priority Area Parking Regulations (142.0528)

  • Eliminates minimum parking requirements for multifamily housing development within TPAs
  • Requires unbundled parking
  • Requires transportation amenities that reduce vehicle miles traveled

Shared Parking Requirements (142.0545)

Two or more different, adjacent land uses may request shared parking.

Development on a Premises with a Utilized Development Permit (126.0113)

Allows a change in development when the proposal complies with the use and development regulations of the applicable base zone or overlay zone.

Live/Work Quarters (141.0311)

Creates more opportunities for residential units in traditionally commercial-only zones.

Mixed Use Zones (131.0700)

New Citywide zones that promote dense transit-oriented development.

Employee Housing (141.0304)

Permits Employee Housing (6 or fewer units) in all zones that permit single-family residential uses.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Transitional Housing (141.0315 and 141.0313)

  • PSH and Transitional Housing are permitted as a limited use in all multifamily residential and commercial zones
  • Development Impact Fees are waived

Neighborhood Development Permit for Affordable Housing (126.0404)

Where otherwise required, an NDP and its findings are waived for affordable housing developments.

Homeless Facilities (141.0317)

Low-Barrier Navigation Centers are permitted by-right as a limited use in mixed-use and commercial zones that allow multi-family development

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