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Point Loma Data - Fish Trawls 2016

The Ocean Monitoring data available herein are subject to modification at any time and are only as current as of the date/time of the posting to this site (as noted in the TIMESTAMP column in each data file). Therefore, users should refer back to this site to check whether the data in question have been updated.

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* Note that the data for many of the northern (Point Loma area) stations that were trawled from January 2016 – September 2016 clearly indicate a persistent, massive influx of red crabs, Pleuroncodes planipes. Due to the crabs’ overwhelming abundance, many of the trawl events were reduced from the typical 10-minute to just 1-minute trawls. Often, despite the curtailed sample time, the trawl net would still be filled to capacity and, in some cases, overflowing with red crabs and few other organisms. As such, these abbreviated, anomalous trawl events are NOT comparable with our historical trawl events and SHOULD NOT be analyzed in conjunction with any of our previous historical trawl datasets. If these data are to be used for any kind of analysis, it will be critical to acknowledge the anomalous nature of the data.

1-minute trawls were conducted at the following stations.

           3/21/16: SD10, SD12, SD13
           3/28/16: SD14
           9/27/16: SD8, SD10, SD12, SD13, SD14