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Office of the City Clerk

Reports to the City Council

What is a Report to the City Council?

Reports to the City Council are significant City government documents that transmit information and recommendations to the City Council or to City Council standing committees.  More Details about Reports to the City Council.

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Reports to Council by Year

Official City Documents

Date Number Title
03/17/2010 Household Hazardous Waste Services Contract Renewal
03/12/2010 Neighborhood Stabilization Program Second Revision Hearing
03/10/2010 Amendment 2 with UCSD for the Evaluation of Anthropogenic Impacts on the San Diego Coastal Ecosystem
03/09/2010 Procurement for a Comprehensive Emergency Winter Shelter Program
03/09/2010 San Diego Clean Generation Program- Proposed Formation of the City of San Diego Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Water Conservation Improvement District No. 1
03/03/2010 Status of the Pedicab Program
03/03/2010 Install Traffic Signals at Arosa Street and College Avenue and at Adams Avenue and College Avenue
03/02/2010 Request for Qualifications to Furnish the City of San Diego with Licensed Tow Providers and Licensed Impound Providers
02/24/2010 Fiscal Year 2010 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report
02/17/2010 Refuse & Recyclable Collection Services
02/17/2010 Municipal Golf Course Low-Income Fee Waiver Program
02/17/2010 As Needed Consultant Agreement with Geosyntec
01/28/2010 City of San Diego Crime Briefing
01/27/2010 Real Estate Assets Portfolio Management Plan
01/27/2010 Lease Amendment - Bartell Hotels, d.b.a Dana Inn and Marina, Mission Bay Park
01/25/2010 Construction Manager at Risk - Implementing Ordinance
01/25/2010 Proposed 2010 Legislative Program
01/20/2010 Deferred Maintenance Projects
01/19/2010 Maintenance and Monitoring of City Landfills
01/19/2010 Refuse & Recyclable Collection Services
12/22/2009 Informational Report Pursuant to the Local Agency Special Tax and Bond Accountability Act for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009.
12/03/2009 Developer Impact Fees FY 2009 Annual Report
12/02/2009 Maintenance and Monitoring of City Landfills
10/28/2009 FY 2010 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Reprogramming Hearing
10/22/2009 Rules, Open Government and Intergovernmental Relations Chairman and Committee Members
10/21/2009 City of San Diego Labor Compliance Program for the State of California Department of Industrial Relations Certification
10/21/2009 City of San Diego Proposed Small Local Business Enterprise
10/21/2009 Authorization for Exclusive Lease Negotiations with Save our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) for the Marston House
10/09/2009 Consent to Transfer of Franchises in connection with Merger of Allied Waste Industries, Inc. with Republic Services, Inc.
10/09/2009 Proposition 1A Receivable Financing Program
10/09/2009 Modifications to Emergency Water Regulations
10/09/2009 San Diego Municipal Code Amendments
10/09/2009 San Diego New Main Library
10/09/2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)
10/09/2009 Long Term Waste Management Options - Phase I Report
10/09/2009 Citizens' Review Board on Police Practices
10/09/2009 Fire & Lifeguard Program Funding Reallocation
10/07/2009 City Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Medical Director Contract Award
09/25/2009 City Projects Honored by the American Public Works Association (APWA)
09/09/2009 San Diego Municipal Code Amendments
09/08/2009 San Diego New Main Library
09/03/2009 Modifications To Emergency Water Regulations
09/02/2009 Update on Solid Waste Operational Improvements and Financing Plan discussions with Franchised Haulers
08/26/2009 Equal Opportunity Contracting Program Update
08/26/2009 Status of Underground Conversion Program
07/22/2009 Contracts to administer the City's Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program (HPRP)
07/15/2009 Facilities Division Business Process Reengineering
07/15/2009 Communications division Business Process Reengineering
07/15/2009 Airports Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Report
07/15/2009 Publishing Services Business Process Reengineering