Housing Action Package 2.0

The City of San Diego remains committed to providing Homes for All of Us. Housing Action Package 1.0 adopted in February 2022, included new programs and code revisions to incentivize construction of new homes at all income levels. Housing Action Package 2.0 adopted in December 2023, continues the commitment to create regulations that encourage the development of homes for San Diego’s diverse population. Both Housing Action Packages incentivize and promote new home opportunities in all communities that San Diegans of all income levels can afford.
Housing Action Package 2.0 - Approved December 2023
The Housing Action Package 2.0 was approved in December 2023. The Housing Action Package 2.0 implements state law to allow the construction of more new homes near transit, provides protections to existing residents and increases the supply of land available for new home development. For more information on Housing Action Package 2.0, please see the HAP 2.0 Fact Sheet. You may also access the amended code language here.
Housing Action Package 2.0 Public Hearings
- Planning Commission: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the Planning Commission on Aug. 3, 2023. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of Housing Action Package 2.0 with the exception of Missing Middle Home regulations.
- Land Use & Housing Committee: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the Land Use & Housing (LU&H) Committee of the City Council on Sept. 21, 2023. LU&H voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of the Housing Action Package as presented, without modification.
- Agenda (To view supporting materials, including the staff report, click on the item name in the agenda and a list of supporting documents will be provided on the right-hand side of the screen.)
- City Council: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the City Council on Dec. 12, 2023, and was heard as Item 335.
- Agenda (To view supporting materials, including the staff report, click on the item name for Item 333 in the agenda and a list of supporting documents will be provided on the right-hand side of the screen.)
Housing Action Package 1.0 - Approved February 2022
The First Housing Action Package was approved in February 2022. HAP 1.0 implemented new state law related to housing development, aligned the state law with existing city housing programs, and incentivized and promoted new housing opportunities throughout the city that San Diegans of all income levels can afford. For more information on Housing Action Package 1.0, please see the HAP 1.0 Fact Sheet.
Housing Action Package 1.0 Public Hearings
- Planning Commission: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the Planning Commission on Dec. 16, 2021. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of the Housing Action Package as presented, with one modification to increase the number of onsite trees required from one to two per 5,000 square feet of lot area and to reduce the threshold for the requirement from three accessory dwelling units to two.
- Agenda
- Staff Report
- Video Recording (Presentation Starts at 1:06:10 Mark)
- Land Use & Housing Committee: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the Land Use & Housing (LU&H) Committee of the City Council on Jan. 13, 2022. LU&H voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of the Housing Action Package as presented, without modification.
- Agenda (To view supporting materials, including the staff report, click on the item name in the agenda and a list of supporting documents will be provided on the right-hand side of the screen.)
- Video Recording (Presentation Starts at 25:05 Mark)
- City Council: The Housing Action Package was reviewed by the City Council on Feb. 8, 2022 and was heard as Item 333.
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Agenda (To view supporting materials, including the staff report, click on the item name for Item 333 in the agenda and a list of supporting documents will be provided on the right-hand side of the webpage)
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Create Homes for All of Us
Allows additional opportunities for homes for people of all incomes, abilities and family compositions in all communities, especially in higher-resource communities currently lacking affordable homes.
Champion Sustainability
Allows for more homes where residents can walk, roll, bike and take transit.
Foster Regional Prosperity
Promotes homes for residents of all incomes in all communities, so San Diego continues to have a strong economy.