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Public Library

Local Author Showcase Registration

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Authors are responsible for updating Co-Author(s) or Illustrator(s)
Contact Information
Is Your Book: (if in both formats, choose print book)
Year of Publication
Use authors last name (as it appears on your book) for image name. ex. Heminway.jpg
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Are you interested in participating in SDPL’s annual Lit Café showcasing local author books with LGBTQ+ content during San Diego Pride in July?

Books entered in the Local Author Showcase that are in compliance with the Library’s Collection Development Policy may be added to the library collection. Please do not submit galley proofs, advanced reader copies, or book-of-the-month club titles.

San Diego Public Library commits to circulate all books entered in the showcase for one year.

After the one-year period, if my book is not selected for the collection, I choose to:
Disclaimer Understanding