11/08/2013 |
Proposed Water Rate Increases |
10/30/2013 |
San Diego Fire-Rescue, Lifeguard Division Informational Report: 'Waterproofing San Diego' and the San Diego Junior Lifeguards Program |
10/30/2013 |
San Diego Fire-Rescue, Lifeguard Division Informational Report: 'Lifeguard Division Five Year Plan and Needs Assessment' |
10/23/2013 |
Deferred Capital Bond Funded Program Update |
10/23/2013 |
Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance Update |
10/22/2013 |
Informational Report from the Commission on Gang Prevention & Intervention |
10/22/2013 |
State of the CIP - Fiscal Year 2013 |
10/22/2013 |
Improvement of City of San Diego Governmental Operations |
10/21/2013 |
Annual Master Lease Agreement to Fund Vehicles and Equipment |
10/21/2013 |
Police Department Five-Year Plan |
10/21/2013 |
Update on the Relocation of Public Works and Public Utilities Staff to 525 B Street, San Diego |
10/21/2013 |
Animal Services Contract |
10/17/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Second Allocation |
10/16/2013 |
Amendment to the Mid-City Communities Planned District Ordinance for an Interim Height Limitation in the Uptown Community |
10/15/2013 |
Living Wage Ordinance Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013 |
10/01/2013 |
Contract Amendment to the Consultant Agreement with Lee & Ro, Inc. (L&R), and Contract Amendment to the Construction Management Agreement with Jacobs Project Management Co. (JPM) for the Point Loma Grit Processing Improvements Project |
09/26/2013 |
San Diego Police Department Recruitment and Retention Update |
09/26/2013 |
Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT) Presentation |
09/16/2013 |
Agreement with Trussell Technologies, Inc., for Water Treatment Research Consulting Services, Amendment No. 1 |
09/09/2013 |
Report to the City Council Pursuant to the July 31, 2013 Prevailing Wage Ordinance Hearing |
09/09/2013 |
IT Sourcing - Vendor EOCP Update & Presentations |
09/05/2013 |
Adoption of the 2013 San Diego Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan |
08/30/2013 |
Request for Feedback on Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance |
08/27/2013 |
Leasehold Development Agreement for Brown Field Airport |
08/13/2013 |
Proposition 218 Noticing of Proposed Water Rate Adjustments |
07/31/2013 |
Informational Update on the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan for the San Diego Region |
07/25/2013 |
City of San Diego Climate Action Plan |
07/22/2013 |
Potable Reuse Project 90-Day Update Pursant to City Council's acceptance of the Water Purification Demonstration Project Report |
07/16/2013 |
Prevailing Wage Requirements for Municipal Public Works Projects |
07/11/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriation Ordinance and City Council Requested Changes and Information |
07/05/2013 |
Amendment to SDMC 147.04 General Regulations, Plumbing and Mechanical Regulations, Other Water-Conserving Plumbing Standards o require 1.6 gallons per flush toilets per California Senate Bill 407 |
07/02/2013 |
13-058.pdf |
07/02/2013 |
Recycled Water Pricing Study |
06/21/2013 |
Declaration of a Homeless Shelter Crisis in the City of San Diego and Designation of Sites for the Continued Operation of Two Emergency Homeless Shelters and Transitional Storage Center for FY 2014 |
06/12/2013 |
Barrio Logan Community Plan and Local Coastal Program Update. Council District 8. Process 5. |
06/10/2013 |
Corporate Partnership Agreement DecoBike, LLC |
06/05/2013 |
Prevailing Wage Requirements for Municipal Public Works Projects |
05/31/2013 |
Approval of the Bank of America and Citibank Banking Services Contracts |
05/24/2013 |
Informational Debrief Regarding the FY14 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Allocation Process |
05/22/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2013 6-Month State of the CIP Report |
05/22/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Levy and Annual Update of Assessment Engineer's Reports for Economic Development Division's Maintenance Assessment Districts |
05/21/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2013 Year-End Budget Monitoring Report |
05/21/2013 |
Mission Beach Community Precise Planning Board Bylaw amendment. Council District 2 |
05/20/2013 |
City of San Diego Assessment District No. 4096 (Piper Ranch) Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds |
05/13/2013 |
City of San Diego Bike Program |
05/03/2013 |
Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Levy and Annual Update of Assessment Engineer Reports for Park and Recreation Department Maintenance Assessment Districts |
04/23/2013 |
Holly Drive Street Improvements Project: Eminent Domain |
04/22/2013 |
Informational Report from the San Diego Police Department Regarding Summer Beach Operational Plans |
04/09/2013 |
2012 Citywide Volunteer Activity Status Annual Report |
04/02/2013 |
San Diego Police Department Recruitment and Retention Update |