Information Bulletins
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This Information Bulletin is a summary of the Affordable Student Housing Density Bonus regulations and does not include every requirement or restriction. To view all of the requirements and regulations please see San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 14, Article 3, Division 7 .
Affordable Student Housing is an optional affordable housing incentive program allowing more dense housing targeting lower income students. Lower income students are students who have a household income and asset level that does not exceed the level for Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B award recipients as set forth in Section 69432.7(k)(1) of the California Education Code.
This Information Bulletin describes the eligibility and application process for subdivisions that are exempt from the requirement to obtain a tentative map.
Substantial Conformance Review
This Information Bulletin provides a summary of Substantial Conformance Reviews (SCR).
Substantial Conformance Review (SCR)
Process and submittal requirements when proposing modifications to a discretionary permit after approval by the City of San Diego.
Fee Schedule for Construction Permits-Structures
This Information Bulletin lists the fees collected by the City of San Diego for construction permits for structures (building permits). Also listed are some, but not all, fees that may be required from agencies other than the City of San Diego.
Grading/Public Right-of-Way Permits and Mapping Actions
This Information Bulletin lists fees and deposits for Grading Permits, Public Right-of-way Permits and mapping actions. For project submittal information, see Project Submittal Manual, Sections 3 and 5.
Fee/Deposit Schedules for Development & Policy Approvals/Permits
This information bulletin (IB) lists fees and deposits for discretionary and policy approvals.
This Information Bulletin discusses the appeal procedures for decisions made at various process levels and environmental determinations.
Fee Schedule for Fire Permit Fees
This Information Bulletin lists the fees collected by the City of San Diego for construction permits for fire protection systems, including fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, and kitchen hood suppression systems.