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Sustainability and Mobility

Mobility Master Plan

The Mobility Master Plan is a comprehensive transportation planning effort to create a balanced, equitable, and sustainable mobility system for the City of San Diego. It will combine community, mode, and objective-specific planning into one comprehensive document to prioritize mobility projects and to identify programs that will have the largest benefit in our communities and on the environment. Additionally, the Mobility Master Plan will ensure that Citywide mobility initiatives support investments in areas with the greatest needs, promote Vision Zero, and advance the goals of the Climate Action Plan and the General Plan. The Mobility Master Plan will focus on projects, programs and actions that will help make walking, rolling, bicycling, and using transit more convenient, efficient, and affordable.

What is the Mobility Master Plan and what does it include?

This plan brings together mobility ideas, needs, and specific projects from other citywide and neighborhood plans to create one unified, actionable plan. Its focus is to meet the City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) goals to help us shift from personal vehicle use to more environmentally conscious transportation modes. It includes:

  • A description of where we are and where we’re going in regard to the citywide mobility system and vision
  • Identification of focus areas that reflect areas with the greatest mobility needs through an equity-based, data-driven analysis
  • A list of priority projects and programs based on safety, equity, sustainability, and connectivity criteria
  • Near- and long-term steps, actions, and performance metrics

Why do we need the Mobility Master Plan?

In the past, types of mobility were addressed separately (Pedestrian Master Plan or Bicycle Master Plan) or in individual community plans. Mobility needs its own comprehensive plan across mobility types and communities to both integrate multiple modes and equitably advance solutions where they are most needed. It will also allow the City to track progress to meet its key initiatives and policies: Vision Zero, Climate Equity Index, CAP, BlueprintSD, and the General Plan’s Mobility Element.

What are the benefits of having a Mobility Master Plan?

  • Increasing travel choices for our community members to improve safety and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Prioritizing mobility investments to fill gaps in the mobility system and create travel choices where they are most needed
  • Tracking mobility improvements to identify which ones are the most effective and transformative

Why does the Mobility Master Plan matter to me and my community?

Whether you’re going to school, work, a store, the park, or any of the places San Diego has to offer, you should be able to safely and efficiently do so regardless of your mode choice, location, age, ability, or income. The City understands mobility’s crucial role in each person's quality of life and the importance of high-quality, multimodal investments. To that end, the Mobility Master Plan will prioritize active transportation and climate resilient projects to help achieve climate and equity goals.

When will the Mobility Master Plan be available?

A draft of this plan is currently available for review. While it reflects the City’s current priorities and needs, it will be a living document that is regularly revisited and updated to respond to the latest conditions and evolving needs as projects are completed, programs are implemented, and growth occurs.


Mobility Master Plan 

The "January 2025" Mobility Master Plan is available for review. The full report of the Mobility Master Plan and individual chapters are available for download below:

Mobility Master Plan (Full Report) 

On-Screen Version    Print Friendly Version

Chapter 1 - Executive Summary

Chapter 2 - Introduction 

Chapter 3 - Where We Are and Where We Are Going

Chapter 4 – Engagement

Chapter 5 – Visioning Framework

Chapter 6 – Focus Areas

Chapter 7 – Projects

Chapter 8 – Programs

Chapter 9 – Implementation and Monitoring

Chapter 10 - Funding

Glossary of Terms 


We would like your input! 

Your input is much appreciated as it gives us a better understanding of how the City can better serve our communities' mobility needs. Please submit any comments, feedback, and questions on the Mobility Master Plan below:


Submit a Comment / Envíe un comentario


The full report of the previous "October 2024" Mobility Master Plan Discussion Draft and Appendices are available below:

"October 2024" Mobility Master Plan Discussion Draft (Full Report)

On-Screen Version    Appendices


Key Mobility Master Plan Components

An illustration of an arrow on a target surrounded by people

Focused Community Engagement

Leverage best practices from the Climate Action Plan outreach to conduct meaningful engagement that will result in obtaining feedback from underrepresented community members.

An illustration of a clipboard with a settings icon and pencil on it

Process: Identify & Define

Clearly define the mobility planning and the project development processes to promote the most responsible and efficient use of fiscal resources for activities that occur within the public right-of-way.

Illustration with map of San Diego on a clipboard surrounded by mobility options

Projects: Prioritize What Is Needed & Where It Is Needed Most

Develop a prioritization process that emphasizes a multimodal approach and prioritizes projects based on a set of criteria, such as safety, equity, sustainability, and connectivity.

Illustration with chart and lightbulb

Actions: Identify Implementing Actions

Create implementation actions and identify potential funding sources to advance key prioritized projects, programs, and solutions using performance metrics to track their success.

Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus

This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan: Advance Mobility & Infrastructure:

  • Improve geographic distribution of pedestrian, bike, transit, and roadway infrastructure
  • Plan and program for projects that create complete streets and complete corridors

Climate Action Plan, Strategy 3: Mobility & Land Use

The plan aligns with the following from the CAP, Strategy 3, Mobility & Land Use:

  • Increase opportunities for walking, bicycling, and using transit
  • Reduce car dependency and decrease greenhouse gas emissions

Mobility Master Plan Library Series

[alt text]

Draft Mobility Master Plan "Open House" Library Series in San Ysidro.

We've hosted a series of "open house" style events at local libraries in March and gathered public feedback on the draft Mobility Master Plan. We are continuing to assess the input we received and for its consideration in the revised version of the Mobility Master Plan. Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak with us and share your ideas.

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Meeting Recordings

Draft Mobility Master Plan Overview

The Mobility Master Plan is a comprehensive strategy outlining how we can improve mobility in our communities. It brings together mobility ideas, needs, and projects from other citywide and neighborhood plans into one unified and actionable plan.

Watch Video


Draft Mobility Master Plan Virtual Meeting 

Draft Mobility Master Plan Virtual Meeting April 4, 2024

Item-6: City of San Diego Draft Mobility Master Plan 

Active Transportation & Infrastructure Committee November 8, 2023

Item-4: City of San Diego Mobility Master Plan Status Update

Active Transportation & Infrastructure Committee June 8, 2023

Item-7: Development of the City of San Diego Mobility Master Plan

Active Transportation & Infrastructure Committee July 20, 2022

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