Total Amount Awarded: $0.00

The requisite justification memo for all contracts identified below as sole-source contracts is included in the PDF document for each contract. It is available for viewing by clicking on the Contract Number for the desired project.

To comply with the requirements of Proposition A and the San Diego Sunshine Act, the contracts listed here are being made available to help ensure that the public has access to government information and policymaking information. These resources provide, in a searchable format, the text of all construction project contracts entered into by the City valued at more than $25,000, from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

To view a contract, click on the Contract Number for the desired project.

Contract Number Contract Name Award Date Award Amount Contractor No. of Bidders Contact
K-19-1806-DBB-3 AC Water & Sewer Group 1013 06/27/2019 $13,321,934.12 TC Construction Company, Inc. 7 Taylor Cox
K-19-1834-DBB-3 AC Water Group 1030 06/27/2019 $5,797,207.70 KTA Construction, Inc. 6 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1737-DBB-3 AC Water and Sewer Group 1042 06/21/2019 $8,190,400.00 S.C. Valley Engineering, Inc. 5 Taylor Cox
K-19-1805-DBB-3 AC Water & Sewer Group 1027 06/19/2019 $5,772,761.00 Burtech Pipeline Incorporated 8 Taylor Cox
K-19-1823-DBB-3 Mission Cliff Dr Water & Sewer Main Replacement 06/10/2019 $1,757,519.00 Piperin Corporation 8 Celina Suarez
K-19-1799-DBB-3 Pipeline Rehabilitation AW-1 06/04/2019 $3,252,622.20 Burtech Pipeline 3 Ron McMinn
K-19-1787-DBB-3 Sewer and AC Water Group 797 06/04/2019 $3,701,229.80 El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co, Inc. 4 Taylor Cox
K-19-1795-DBB-3 Carmel Creek Neighborhood Park Improvements 06/03/2019 $1,023,849.51 Atlas Development 9 Ron McMinn
K-19-1796-DBB-3 Slurry Seal Group 1923 05/30/2019 $2,668,208.87 American Asphalt South, Inc. 3 Taylor Cox
K-19-1767-DBB-3 EB Scripps Park Comfort Station 05/22/2019 $3,217,646.12 Atlas Development Corporation 8 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1802-DBB-3 MBC Cooling Water System Chiller Upgrade 05/23/2019 $2,915,726.83 TechCom International, Corp. 9 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1794-DBB-3 Pipeline Rehabilitation AL-1 05/21/2019 $3,034,166.00 Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corp. 3 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1820-EMR-3 Cardinal Dr. Storm Drain Replacement 05/20/2019 $1,000,000.00 Flat Iron West, Inc. N/A Ron McMinn
K-19-1827-EMR-3 Emergency Construction Services For: Civic Theater Water Line 05/16/2019 $1,200,000.00 TC Construction Company, Inc. N/A Celina Suarez
K-19-1804-DBB-3 Sewer & AC Water Group 807 05/10/2019 $10,447,975.59 Burtech Pipeline Inc. 3 Ron McMinn
K-19-1793-DBB-3 Richmond Street Sidewalk Improvements Project & Uptown Lining CMP Storm Drain 05/08/2019 $491,468.00 Crest Equipment, Inc. 5 Ron McMinn
K-19-1831-EMR-1 3030 32nd St. Storm Drain 05/06/2019 $150,000.00 Burtech Pipeline, Inc. 1 Antoinette Sanfilippo
L-19-1782-DBB-3 ADA SW La Jolla Shores & Calle Corta 05/02/2019 $236,530.00 Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction 4 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1790-DBB-3 Sewer Group Job 830 05/02/2019 $567,768.40 Piperin Corporation 3 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1724-DBB-3 North City Water Reclamation Plant Expansion Early Site Work and Ozone/BAC Relocation 04/23/2019 $16,403,300.00 AECOM Energy & Construction, Inc. 2 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1822-EMR-3 Florida Dr. Storm Drain Replacement 04/23/2019 $1,300,000.00 Hazard Construction Company 1 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1830-EMR-3 Wellborn Street Storm Drain 04/10/2019 $500,000.00 TC Construction, Inc. 1 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1781-DBB-3 Water and Sewer Group 967 04/09/2019 $813,469.00 Burtech Pipeline Inc. 4 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1828-EMR-2 South Woodman Storm Drain Emergency 04/09/2019 $500,000.00 Cass Construction dba Cass Arrieta N/A Celina Suarez
K-19-1819-EMR-3 1925 Burroughs Storm Drain Replacement 03/19/2019 $500,000.00 Granite Construction Company 1 Taylor Cox
K-19-1816-SLS-1 Sole Source Construction Services for Repair Services for Alpha Project Homeless Shelter 02/19/2019 $105,852.29 Bill Thorpe Heating & Air N/A Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1766-DBB-3 Pipeline Rehabilitation AU-1 02/13/2019 $3,326,618.10 Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corp. 5 Ron McMinn
K-19-1757-DBB-3 Sewer and AC Water Group 697A 02/08/2019 $4,910,682.06 Burtech Pipeline 6 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1780-DBB-3 Miramar Landfill Storm Water Conveyance Improvements 02/01/2019 $2,030,405.06 Dick Miller Inc. 4 Ron McMinn
L-19-1771-DBB-2 Dulzura Conduit Repairs 01/30/2019 $328,500.00 New Century Construction Inc. 5 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1777-DB1-2 Furnish and Install New Laboratory Trailer at Pump Station 1 01/30/2019 $294,465.00 Martin Resnik Construction Co. 2 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1727-DBB-3 Curb Ramp Installation and Resurfacing 01/30/2019 $4,035,095.14 Superior Ready Mix Concrete, L.P. 4 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1785-DBB-3 Chollas Community Park Comfort Station 01/29/2019 $2,267,803.00 Marcon Engineering, Inc. 5 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1784-DBB-3 Mira Mesa Trunk Sewer Improvement 01/28/2019 $6,173,717.00 Orion Construction Corporation 4 Taylor Cox
K-19-1762-DBB-3-A Bay Terraces Senior Center 01/23/2019 $3,990,606.00 Fordyce Construction, Inc. 6 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1560-DBB-3 California Tower Seismic Retrofit 1/22/2019 $4,710,500.00 SOLPAC Construction, Inc. 4 Ron McMinn
K-19-1772-JOC-3 JOC S18 Sitework 01/22/2019 $5,000,000.00 Ramona Paving & Construction Corp. 4 Brittany Friedenreich
K-19-1814-SLS-1 Sole-Source Construction Services for Repair Services for Alpha Project Homeless Shelter 01/22/2019 $40,000.00 Tiffany Structures Inc. N/A Brittany Friedenreich
L-19-1774-JOC-2 Job Order Contract (JOC) SLBE SS18 Sitework 01/15/2019 $500,000.00 Moshiri Enterprises, dba Delta Builders 4 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1773-EMR-3 Ladera St Beach Access Stairway Coastal Bluff Stabilization 01/09/2019 $1,500,000.00 Orion Construction Corporation N/A Ron McMinn
K-19-1763-DBB-3 Otay Water Treatment Plant Basin No. 1 Concrete Restoration 01/04/2019 $1,170,625.00 Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction 6 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1503A-DBB-2 Camino Del Este Path Crossing Improvements 01/02/2019 $360,000.00 HMS Construction Corporation 4 Ron McMinn
K-19-1770-DBB-3 Slurry Seal Group 1902 12/21/2018 $2,348,232.04 American Asphalt South, Inc. 2 Juan E. Espindola
K-19-1775-DBB-3 Pipeline Rehabilitation AP-1 12/13/2018 $2,027,181.79 Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corp. 3 Juan E. Espindola
K-18-1691-DBB-3 Block 7G2 UUP 11/6/2018 $8,176,735.68 Southern Contracting Company 4 Juan E. Espindola
K-17-1518-MAC-3 Multiple Award Design-Build Contracts (MACC) for Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Pipeline Projects 10/31/2018   Burtech Pipeline Inc.; KTA Construction, Inc.; Orion Construction Corporation; Shimmick Construction Company, Inc.; TC Construction Company, Inc. 6 Brittany Friedenreich
K-18-1750-JOC-3 M17 Mechanical Systems 10/26/2018 $4,500,000.00 DuWright Construction, Inc. 2 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1768-SLS-1 Wetland Restoration and Biological Monitoring Services for Famosa 10/23/2018 $170,000.00 Dudek 1 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-19-1719-DBB-3 Pipeline Rehabilitation AO-1 10/22/2018 $3,074,886.10 Burtech Pipeline Incorporated 2 Angelica Gil
K-18-1555-DBB-3-A Van Dyke Storm Drain Replacement 10/19/2018 $979,077.65 Cass Construction Inc. 10 Angelica Gil
K-19-1764-DBB-3 DMP 1 & 2 Cycle Track Interim Implementation 10/19/2018 $2,011,719.53 Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction 1 Angelica Gil
K-18-1747-DBB-3 Balboa Avenue Corridor Improvements 10/8/2018 $1,394,999.41 Dick Miller, Inc. 6 Antoinette Sanfilippo
K-18-1760-JOC-3 Job Order Contract (JOC) E17 Electrical Systems 10/8/2018 $4,500,000.00 Global Power Group, Inc. 3 Juan E. Espindola
K-18-1755-DBB-3 Slurry Seal Group 1901 10/4/2018 $3,231,436.61 American Asphalt South, Inc. 3 Juan E. Espindola
L-18-1733-JOC-2 SLBE TS18 Street Lighting/Traffic Signals 10/4/2018 $500,000.00 Southwest Traffic Signal Service, Inc. 4 Juan E. Espindola
K-18-1711-DBB-3 Skyline Hills Community Park ADA Upgrades 9/14/2018 $1,674,620.00 Fordyce Construction Inc. 6 Brittany Friedenreich
K-18-1761-DBB-3 Sidewalk Replacement Group 1603 9/11/2018 $881,231.00 LC Paving and Sealing, Inc. 3 Ron McMinn

SP17 Street Paving for Capital Improvements Projects Only(NORTH Of I-8)

9/6/2018 $10,000,000.00 TC Construction Company, Inc. 4 Angelica Gil

SP17 Street Paving for Capital Improvements Projects Only(SOUTH Of I-8)

9/6/2018 $10,000,000.00 SRM Contracting & Paving 4 Angelica Gil
K-18-1732-DBB-3 Fire Rescue Air Operations Facility 8/24/2018 $3,214,544.00 EC Constructors 4 Brittany Friedenreich
K-18-1586-DBB-3-A 101 Ash Street Tenant Improvements 8/21/2018 $17,080,261.00 West Coast General Corporation 3 Angelica Gil
K-18-1707-DBB-3 Miramar Landfill Gas Recovery Improvements 8/10/2018 $8,218,374.00 NEO San Diego LLC & Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. 1 Brittany Friedenreich
K-18-1696-DBB-3 Concrete Street Panel Group 1601 8/10/2018 $2,535,450.00 Portillo Concrete, Inc. 5 Juan E. Espindola
K-18-1740-DBB-3 Rolling Hills Neighborhood Park ADA Upgrade 8/8/2018


JMJ Construction 8 Juan E. Espindola
K-18-6888-JOC-3-A Work In Private Property For Utilities Underground 8/1/2018


Ramona Paving & Construction Corp. 3 Angelica Gil
K-18-1697-DBB-3 Rancho Mission Canyon Park ADA Upgrades 7/24/2018


R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc. 8 Angelica Gil
K-18-1746-DBB-3 Palm Avenue Transitional Housing 7/18/2018


West Coast General Corporation 3 Antoinette Sanfilippo

* NTE - Not-to-Exceed